1. Two things you have to do to meet the deadline.
2. One thing you mustn't do if you miss the deadline.
3. Two things you should do if the project is due tomorrow.
4. One thing you are allowed to do if you are ahead of schedule.
5. Two things you aren't allowed to do if you go over budget.
6. One thing you can do if you are under budget.
7. One thing you have to do if the expenses are too high.
8. One thing you must do and one thing mustn't do if the team isn't good.
9. One thing you aren't allowed to do if there is a problem with the project.
10. One thing you mustn't do if you are right on schedule.
11. One thing you should do and one thing you shouldn't do if your boss rejects the proposal.
12. One thing you must do if you need to cut expenses by 50%.
13. One thing you can do if you cannot submit your report on time.
14. One thing you have to do if the client isn't satisfied.
15. Two things you have to do if you don't have a lot of experience.
16. One thing you are not allowed to do if you are not the team lead.
17. One thing you have to do and one thing you don't have to do when discussing the proposal.
18. One thing you shouldn't do if the proposal is bad.
19. Two things you mustn't do if you are behind schedule.
20. One thing you should do if there is an urgent problem.
21. One thing you have to do if you want to speed things up.